CSI CJI Timeline
Most recent events at top of list
fourth letter from CSI
third letter from CSI
CJI responds to eviction notice
second letter from CSI
first letter from CSI to worshippers at Touro Synagogue
CSI files to evict CJI from Touro Synagogue
January 31, 2022 Annual lease ends after CJI declines to agree to suggested stipulations. Lease started in 1903 and was $1 per year.
January 31, 2022 CSI attempts to reach CJI to head off eviction. Attempt fails.
October 2021 brouhaha over a monument erected in Colonial Jewish cemetery in Newport
October? 2021 CSI tells CJI what conditions they will accept to continue lease.
2019 Supreme Court of United States declines to hear appeal
2019 Boston Federal appeals court overturns Provicence Federal District Court decision, says CSI owns Touro Synagogue and its appertuances.
US District Court Providence rules that CJI own Touro Synagogue and its appurtances .
CJI attempts to sell Meyer Meir rimonim
1908 Lease agreement
1903 Lease agreement
1903 break-in and sit-in to open Touro Synagogue. Trial judge declines to discuss ownership of Touro Synagogue
1903? Touro Syngogue is closed to worshippers
1894 Congregation Jeshuat Israel is chartered by the State of Rhode Island.